How to Play ShigOla 

Welcome to ShigOla! Use this guide to understand the gameplay and keep ShigOla alive:

  1. Movement:
    • Use Arrow Keys to move your character around the terrain.
  2. Shuffling Terrain Tiles:
    • Press Spacebar to shuffle the terrain tiles, which can create new opportunities or challenges.
  3. Creating Empty Terrain Tiles:
    • Shuffle to Create Empty Tiles: Shuffling can result in empty tiles where you can place new structures.
  4. Survive by Spawning Machines:
    • Spawn Machines to manage resources and maintain gameplay.
  5. Spawning Solar Panels:
    • Click 1 on a Blank Terrain Tile to place solar panels. Solar panels generate energy, which is crucial for controlling the game’s speed and overall functionality.
  6. Spawning Liquid Pumps:
    • Click 2 on a Blank Terrain Tile to place liquid pumps. Liquid pumps generate liquid, which is essential for maintaining the game’s liquid levels.
  7. Collect Balloons from Machines:
    • Collect Balloons released by machines to gather resources and bonuses.
  8. Survival Goal:
    • Maintain Liquid Levels: Ensure that the liquid level does not drop to zero, or the game will be over.
    • Control Speed with Solar Level: Keep the solar level above 100 to maintain optimal speed. The game’s speed is controlled by the solar level, so managing this is critical for smooth gameplay.
  9. Handling Machine Malfunctions:
    • When Machines Malfunction, Shuffle Them: This resets the machines and resolves any issues caused by malfunctions.

Quick Tips:

  • Strategic Placement: Place solar panels and liquid pumps thoughtfully to manage resources and liquid levels effectively.
  • Monitor and Act: Regularly check the status of machines, solar levels, and liquid levels to prevent game-over situations.
  • Maintain Speed: Ensure the solar level stays above 100 to keep the game running at the correct speed.
  • Shuffle Malfunctions: When machines malfunction, shuffle them to fix the issue and maintain control.

Remember, keeping ShigOla alive depends on managing machines, resources, and speed effectively. Use these tips to thrive in the game!

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